Aaron Udager Lab



Welcome To The Udager Lab Website 

On the Udager Lab Website please take a look at our Research, Publications & Lab Members. Please Contact Us if you would like to know more about our research!

Welcome to the Udager Lab! Led by Dr. Aaron Udager, our team is at the forefront of cancer research, specializing in animal-based pre-clinical models and next-generation sequencing (NGS). We delve into the intricate molecular profile of multiple cancers, contributing vital insights into cancer initiation and progression. Our groundbreaking work has led to the development of diagnostic tests for kidney, prostate, and head and neck cancers, offered through the Michigan Center for Translational Pathology (MCTP) clinical lab. With state-of-the-art equipment like Ion Proton and Ion S5 Sequencers for NGS, we continue to explore the complexities of cancer biology. Our diverse publications highlight our commitment to unraveling the genetic and clinicopathological aspects of various cancers. Join us in our mission to advance cancer diagnostics and personalized therapies for the betterment of patient care.